Monday, September 10, 2007

The Word of Grace

"And now I commend you to God and to the word of His grace, which is able to build you up and to give you the inheritance among all those who are sanctified." (Acts 20:32)

This past Sunday, Joe spoke about three essentials for biblical ministry:
1. The word of grace
2. Believing prayer
3. The shared ministry of Christ

One point that was especially helpful to me: the reason God's word is called "the word of grace" is because it brings us to the living word, Jesus Christ.

How easy it can be to misuse the Bible! We can reduce it to either a textbook or a storybook. Either gets old after a while, and fails to inspire. But if we understand how the Bible leads us to the Living Word, to the resurrected Jesus, we will not grow bored with this book. Because a relationship with Jesus Christ is the very essence of life - eternal life.

Taking this another step further: We wish to say that God's word is the foundation of every ministry at New Covenant. If this is so, then every ministry should evidence a walk with the living, resurrected Jesus Christ. We should be drawing from his power, enjoying his presence, and conducting ourselves in a way that exhibits his character.

It's not enough to say we are biblical. We need to truly evidence the power and joy of the gospel - the word of grace - in all we do. Lord, may it be so!


Anonymous said...

Agreed. It still seems odd to work toward some kind of ministry. It seems to me that if you apply these three points as mentioned that ministry is a natural result, not something that you go do.

For example, when I find that God is drawing me nearer to himself through difficult circumstances, there inevitably seem to be opportunities or experiences that lead to fellowship and growth. That IS ministry. Often times we tend to classify things as ministry only when they fall into the catagory of organized activity or an event.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not against organized activity. I just think that these things are true regardless of whether or not you are part of a particular ministry or not. The real trick is believing Jesus is who He says He is, and living that way.

Anonymous Deacon,

Anonymous said...

Today we received the following email comment from our son who was home visiting us from UT:

"I was really convicted by Joe's sermon on Sunday to return to the "basics" of God's word of grace, believing prayer, and living faith and love in action through selflessness and service to others. Kelly and I have a renewed commitment to make sure that we start every day with prayer and the sustaining word of the Lord."

Thank you Lord that your grace is real, that your word sustains us, and that your covenant promises are trustworthy and true.
