Saturday, May 10, 2008

Blogging Bridges: Selfishness

The next sin that Bridges tackles is that of selfishness, which Bridges acknowledges is often much easier to spot in others than in ourselves. As such, our own selfishness is often more refined than the overt selfishness we dislike in others. Bridges addresses four areas of respectable selfishness - selfishness with our interests, our time, our money, and inconsiderateness. My subtle selfishness often shows up in two ways - one at home and one at work.

At home, I love to read during any spare time I have. Often, I sinfully put reading ahead of even spending quality time with my wife. This is selfish of me, and is a sin! At work, I am very protective of my lunch hour, and often I turn down offers to go to lunch with coworkers to have some relaxing time to myself (usually reading). But lately, thanks to a friend's subtle challenge, I'm wondering if this is a good use of my time. Turning down lunch offers every time, though it is beneficial and enjoyable for me, is selfish. After all, I could use that time not to build myself up, but to be an ambassador for Christ to my coworkers. When it's framed around the kingdom of God and the necessity to share my faith, hoarding my lunch time is selfish.

Paul writes in Philippians 2:4 "Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others." Someone who is unselfish is balancing his needs, interests, and concerns with those of others. On the other hand, the selfish person is "not only indifferent to the needs of others, but actually expects them to meet his needs and desires."

Jesus was the perfect example of unselfishness, as he became poor for our sake so that we might become rich (2 Corinthians 8:9). He performed the ultimate act of unselfishness in taking on the wrath of God on the cross to make atonement for our sins. That's the ultimate example of unselfishness for me to follow.

1 comment:

Ken said...

The phrase that came to mind as I read this chapter was "living outside yourself." I find that I'm often pretty caught up with what's going on inside me, and I don't enter into others' experiences, needs, or feelings quickly. I admire those who are quick to understand others, and I believe it comes from a habit of unselfishness.


Selfishness is not good for a marriage or family though there are all sorts of ways to get away with it - "subtle" and "acceptable" ways, to use Bridges' words. I'm convicted by what you wrote here, Joel, about multitasking!